Fadela and her Daughters is a Turkish drama series that achieved great fame and premiered in 2017. The series focuses on the story of a woman named Fadela and her two young daughters, who seek to achieve their dreams and advance in life despite the difficult living conditions they face.
Fadela is a widow who lives in poverty and works hard to provide a better life for her daughters, Hazan and Egil. The story begins when Fadela meets a rich man named Halit Argenç, and begins working for him in his house. The home becomes a place where relationships between family members and between Fadila and her daughters are intertwined.
As events develop, details about Fadela’s past and her relationship with Halit emerge, and many secrets that affect the lives of the characters are revealed.
The series deals with various topics such as love, betrayal, revenge, and life’s challenges, and has achieved great popularity not only in Turkey but also in many Arab countries.