The story of the Fatih Harbiye series

“Fatih Harbiye” (in Turkish: Fatih Harbiye) is a Turkish drama series that began airing in 2013. The series’ story is characterized by exploring tensions between different social classes and cultures in the city of Istanbul.

the story:

The events of the series revolve around “Nermin”, a young girl who lives in a poor neighborhood in Istanbul, and dreams of a better life. But her life takes an unexpected turn when her fiancé betrays her and marries another woman from a higher social class.

In her quest for revenge and change her life, Nermin decides to enter the world of the wealthy in Istanbul. There, she meets Majid, who also comes from the upper class. The duo begins to form a relationship, but cultural and social differences cause many challenges for them.

The series explores the tensions and conflicts between different classes in Turkish society, as well as issues of love, betrayal, and revenge. The series highlights how circumstances and the environment can clearly influence the decisions people make and the way they live their lives.


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