Art and culture

3 new songs by Maya Diab and a smart plan to satisfy all tastes

It is known that the Lebanese artist Maya Diab is one of the smartest artists in the way she promotes her work and always presents new ideas, but this time things were not limited to that. Rather, Maya had a new and very smart plan, which was to present 3 works that were different from each other and filmed in the style of a video clip in one day.

The intelligence in the subject is not the result of the subtraction, but rather her selection of 3 different works in terms of subject matter, dialect, idea and style to satisfy the tastes of all her fans. Whoever loves her with Lebanese songs, she presented to them “But They Tell Me”, in which she collaborated with the artist Ziad Burji and presented the romantic style, and whoever loves her in Egyptian songs, she presented to them “The Almighty”. And Farah”, which has a positive atmosphere and who loved it in the Moroccan dialect. After she succeeded with the song “Diyali”, she released a new song in this genre, which is “Gouli”, which is very similar to Maya.
We were also impressed by Maya’s choice of 3 very wonderful looks, especially since she has always been a fashion icon and influential to women in Lebanon and the Arab countries. If anyone saw Maya’s “daring” plan as hasty, she confirms that she won the bet and demonstrated great intelligence.


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