The events of the series revolve around the hero, “Poyraz Karayel,” who was a former policeman and was illegally dismissed from his job due to a plot that was planned against him. He is sentenced to prison on a false charge, and during his imprisonment, his son is kidnapped and raised by his arch enemy “Bahar”, who owns illegal institutions and businesses.
After Poyraz is released from prison, he decides to take revenge on Bahr and get his son back, but things are not that simple, as Poyraz faces many challenges and problems. In this context, Poyraz works as a private investigator for Bahr without Bahr knowing his truth, in his quest for revenge and to recover his son.
The events of the series include many scenes full of suspense and excitement, in addition to stories of love, friendship, and betrayals. The series highlights the values of loyalty, dignity, and sacrifice for truth and justice.
The series is distinguished by the performances of the actors and the quality of production and photography, which made it a great success and widely followed by the audience.